CFIC seeks to help church leaders develop and implement effective compassion
ministries in their communities. We have found that an important
first step is growing the congregation’s heartfelt
conviction that the work of mercy and justice is central
to the Christian’s walk of faith. Hundreds of churches
have found Amy Sherman’s devotional, Sharing
Heart for the Poor: Meditations for Worship, Prayer, and
Service helpful in cultivating such conviction. The booklet
includes 17 short devotional meditations suitable for individual
or small group use.
For a more in-depth study of what the scriptures say about compassion ministry, The ABCs
of Community Ministry: A Curriculum for Congregations can help. Originally designed as a 13-week adult Sunday School course, this workbook has been used by many congregations to orient leaders and laity to the Biblical call for outreach and to core Biblical principles undergirding effective community ministry. It includes several practical tools and exercises to assist churches in beginning a new community ministry.
CFIC has also co-published with Christian Reformed World Relief
Committee, an advanced study for church-based community development
called Communities First. Written primarily by
Jay Van Gronigan, a veteran ministry practitioner and consultant,
Communities First outlines a rich theological framework for understanding
effective and distinctively Christian community development work.
It also includes numerous practical workbooks that help church